Thursday, June 13, 2024

Alright, I have updated Today and Friday, but I do have some stuff I want to get done around the house today, so I have plans to do the rest of the week tonight since I need to stay up late going into night shifts anyway.

In the meantime, let’s look at what are average temperatures for this time of year are since we haven’t done that in a while. The average highs are definitely starting to look more summer-like, although certain coastal areas in both regions remain significantly colder than the rest.

In Newfoundland the average high is between 15 to 19 C (12 to 13 C for Port aux Basques). Lows are between 5 and 7 C. In Labrador highs are between 15 and 17 C and lows are between 4 and 7 C (10 to 12 C / 0 to 2 C for the Nain area).



